
A few weeks ago Aberdeen hosted it’s famous SPECTRA light festival, I managed to go on two seperate days to see it. The walk there took me past the train station and the abandoned BT building both of which are always great street photography targets

The first day I went was the opening Thursday going later in the evening to avoid the rush as much as possible, the first thing that really impressed me was this magnificient colourful slinky, framing Marischal College I thoroughly enjoyed just staring at it for a while.

The second highlight on this first trip was the most photographed part these weird looped archways.

Sunday Trip

The second trip to Spectra was on the Sunday at peak time with some friends, I had seen most of the festival at this point already but had missed out a few key parts as I knew I was going to come back. The queues were a lot worse this time as expected, we started off back where I last left off going into Union Terrace Gardens

Possibly the coolest thing at Spectra this year was the Mycelium Colony in the St. Nicholas Kirk Graveyard, it reminded me of when you fly into an airport over a big city at night with all the lights underneath you twinkling, imagining what all the people under you are doing.

We also went back to Marischal College where I again got to admire the slinky but also the Moon in the courtyard nearby that I had somehow missed the first time.

The last stop of the tour was in the Aberdeen Art Gallery where there were several impressive holograms on display.

Bonus pic of me!

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